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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The TIssue Issue- Molecular Biology of DIPG

DIPG as a chapter section regarding new molecular targets and treatments for brain tumors! 
Chapter 20: New Molecular Targets and Treatment for Pediatric Brain Tumors by James T. Rutka
in Evolution of Molecular Biology of Brain Tumors and the Therapeutic Implications edited by Terry Lichtor and published on February 27, 2013

The main reason for lack of advancement on DIPG has been the lack of tumor tissue (not lack of funding, not lack of interest and not lack of trying).  The almost total absence of tumor tumor tissue meant there was no feasible way to develop specific research on this devastating pediatric tumor.  Let me emphasize that again--    All basic science research with DIPG was essentially impossible without tissue.  However, the past half decade has seen rapid changes and unprecedented collaboration to get tissue both by biopsy and autopsy.

* 2004- the French  decided it the molecular age of tumor biology has reached a stage to reinstitute biopsies.  Simultaneously in North America several hospitals (Sick Kids, St Jude, NIH) made a concerted effort to obtain post-mortem samples.
* Jauary 2009- Dylan Jewett's tumor was donated to Standford.
* February 2010, the first ever DIPG genomic study was published by Sick Kids.
* March 2011, Stanford released news that they had developed a first pediatric DIPG cell line and animal model from the previously donated tumor.
* Today there are more than 30 DIPG cell lines, several institutions that have developed animal models and a handful of DIPG molecular biology papers have been published.

Chapter Highlightss
  • From  recent studies it has become common knowledge that pediatric brain tumor (including DIPG) are different from similarly appearing adult tumors.   Not only are pediatric tumors different than adults, but also DIPG are genetically different from other pediatric gliomas
  • A growing list of different pathways and factors are being described.   DIPG discussions are soon going to routinely contain a confusing concoction of letters,number, factors and receptors-  EGFR, PDGFA, recetpor tyorosine kinase, retinoblastoma protein, PARP-1, MET and insulin-like growth factor receptor 1.    All these are parts of pathways driving tumors and all have been found in a percentage of DIPGs.
  • Drugable targets in DIPG tumors have been found in the molecular biology evaluation of DIPGs.  The paper lists the overall survival and references for seven different clinical trials since 2007 using different targeted drugs- imatinib, tififanib, genfitinib, vandetanib, erlotinib and nimozumab.  In some cases, a subset of patients have been found to survive longer than expected.  Most of these trials though were done blindly so individual patient's molecular biology is not known.
  • Recently the first mutated oncogene in DIPG was described- P13KCA.
  • The chapter also highlights the challenge of getting these agents into the pons.  The blood brain barrier seems to severely limit access to the pons.   Convection-enhanced delivery and nanoparticles were specifically mentioned as techniques to consider in DIPG.
Five years ago, few would have foreseen a chapter section on DIPG molecular biology!  Looking into near future for DIPG, tumor molecular biology and new therapeutic approaches to get around the blood brain barrier are likely to take center stage.

Chapter Author: James T Rutka- Division of Neurosurgery and Labatt Brain Tumor Centre, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Canada

Claudia C. Faria, Christian A. Smith and James T. Rutka (2013). New Molecular Targets and Treatments for Pediatric Brain Tumors, Evolution of the Molecular Biology of Brain Tumors and the Therapeutic Implications, Dr. Terry Lichtor (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0989-1, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/53300. Available from:   http://www.intechopen.com/books/evolution-of-the-molecular-biology-of-brain-tumors-and-the-therapeutic-implications/new-molecular-targets-and-treatments-for-pediatric-brain-tumors

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