DIPG Digest
DIPG News brought to you by:
Just One More Day for Love, Hope & a Cure
January 21, 2009
Foundations News
http://www.marcjr.org/Home/tabid/235/Default.aspx : Introducing The Marc Apodaca Jr Children's Glioma Cancer Foundation
http://www.marcjr.org:80/FoundationMembers/MossReport/tabid/461/Default.aspx : BRAIN STEM GLIOMA-CHILD MOSS REPORT
http://www.justonemoreday.org/ParentPointers/DIPGConference.html : Memorial "Alicia Pueyo Workshop -- Research on pontine gliomas -- Barcelona, February 26th 2009
http://josiefoundation.org:80/distributions_grants.html : The Josie Foundation distribution to Give Kids The World
http://www.marcjr.org/Home/tabid/235/Default.aspx : Introducing The Marc Apodaca Jr Children's Glioma Cancer Foundation
http://www.marcjr.org:80/FoundationMembers/MossReport/tabid/461/Default.aspx : BRAIN STEM GLIOMA-CHILD MOSS REPORT
http://www.justonemoreday.org/ParentPointers/DIPGConference.html : Memorial "Alicia Pueyo Workshop -- Research on pontine gliomas -- Barcelona, February 26th 2009
http://josiefoundation.org:80/distributions_grants.html : The Josie Foundation distribution to Give Kids The World
Medical News
http://www.clinicaltrials.gov:80/ct2/show/NCT00572182?term=MK0752&rank=4 : MK0752 in Treating Young Patients With Recurrent or Refractory CNS Cancer
http://www.abc2.org:80/advancev4/fan.htm : “Depleting Cancer Stem Cells by Notch Pathway Blockade in Glioblastomas” XING FAN, M.D., Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
Foundations Updates
Gunner's Magic Train http://www.gunnergillespie.com/
Gunner's Magic Train is trying to "BOUNCE OUT PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMORS"On Feb 6 during the Marshall County vs. Murray High we will be hosting the fundraiser to raise funds and awareness for brain tumors.
Riah's Rainbow http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mariahklein
Riah's Rainbow... helping children love art as much as Mariah did. To learn more please visit http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mariahklein
For past issues of DIPG Digest please visit http://www.justonemoreday.org/ParentPointers/DIPGDigest.html
Please submit information you feel will be helpful to DIPG families to JustOneMoreDay@cfl.rr.com subject: DIPG Digest
Copyright 2009 Just One More Day for Love, Hope & a Cure, Inc. All rights reserved. The materials and links provided on this site have been prepared for information purposes only and should not be construed as advice or opinions on any specific facts or circumstances. Medical research concerning disease and treatments is an ongoing process. Readers should not act upon this information, but should obtain advice from physicians, medical institutions or other professionals, as appropriate.