DIPG/DIPT Discussion

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Gold Ribbon for Childhood Cancer

Just One More Day has teamed up with Kids V Cancer and Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation in launching a petition for Gold Ribbon Awareness with a goal of a million signatures!

Earlier this year, Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation unveiled the first product to have the gold ribbon for childhood cancer awareness- Jel Sert's Fla-Vor-Ice

In addition to Candlelighters, Jel Sert, also helps brain tumor researcher at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago through Reid's Lemon Aid.

This petition is not only to gain awareness but also to thank/recognize the first gold ribbon product. The hope is that overwhelming support of this can be used to convince other companies to consider a gold ribbon on their products.

In addition to signing the petition, one can write or call JelSert for their support of our kids-http://www.jelsert.com/Contact-Us/
Please feel free to pass this one to your friends.