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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Compassionate Access Act Capital House Briefing

Abigail was 21 when she ran out of options for her cancer. Her oncologist urged the family to try to get access to an experimental drug targeted at EGFR called C225 (now called Erbitux). Contacting the pharmaceutical companies, congressional representatives, the media and other influential people was to no avail. Abigail died on June 9, 2001. Ten hours after the greatest tragedy in his life, Frank Burroughs, decided to dedicate his life to furthering the cause of expanded access. In November 2001, a foundation was started bearing his daughter’s name- Abigail’s Alliance for the Better Access to Developmental Drugs.

Now there is a House Bill (H.R. 4732) called The Compassionate Access Act of 2010 which seeks expanded access to drugs in development for patients with serious disease. A summary of the bill is at-

On Thursday June 10th there will be a Capital House Briefing on the Compassionate Access Act held in room 122 of the Cannon House Building. Abigail Alliance cofounder, Steven Walker, will be giving a Power Point presentation. Interested persons are invited to attend.

Those who can’t attend can still support this bill. Contact the Rep's office in DC. Ask for the health care aide. Request the aide to go to the Congressional Briefing on June 10 at 9 (122 House Cannon Building- Rep Diane Watson is sponsor and her office may know more details if they need) Ask for the Rep to consponsor the bill. To find your representative’s office

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